2023 RYDER CUP – Volunteer Programme


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anbei alle Informationen zum Ryder Cup Volunteer-Programm im Original.
Die Information ist leider sehr spät gekommen, also bitte rasch reagieren, sofern ihr Interesse haben solltet.

Euer PGA of Austria Team

Ryder Cup Europe are once again looking for a team of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers to assist in the successful staging of the Ryder Cup at Marco Simone Golf & Country Club.

Volunteer positions include various types of marshal, media centre assistants, as well as drivers.  We apologise for the late notice as the closing date is Thursday 31 March, and we would suggest sharing this with your Members as soon as possible for them or any of their clients etc. who might be interested, and please feel free to share this with anyone else you think it might be useful for as well.

Further information, including the application form, can be found online at https://cp.golf/3Lr1f6G.

If you have any questions then please contact Aston Ward at aw@cpg.golf or +4420 71 83 59 83.

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